Construct a joyful world to live in, and develop a set of attitudes to draw  inspiration from everything happening around

Bricks of Light in Mortar of Love

We are all light in essence navigating through our personality layers. We all inherit the same source as the raw material for our physiological and psychological makeup. Love is nature’s program of bringing us all together, and it is the basis of formation of everything in nature. Harmony and right relations in our communities and organizations require us to be self-conscious and aware of this fabric of light and love.

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Healthy and Yogic Life

Health is coordinated functioning of our physical body, and emotional and mental vehicles. Yoga in its essence is being one with the background Light. Health is the greatest form of wealth there is. Not only is our food intake important to our health but also the mental diet in terms of the thoughts we entertain.

Knowing vs Being

Knowledge of objective world and of the various disciplines is what we gain in educational institutions. Creating a subjective world of ideas and joyfully navigating in that world while being active in the objective world require the habit of self-reflection, allowing ourselves to be inspired and mentored.

“How wonderful it would be to have immediate access to a world of beauty one could experience while carrying out the daily transactions in the objective world?.”


We welcome you to experiment with thoughts and ideas presented in the blogs and podcasts at this site and be engaged.

Inner Living is about the world we make with our thoughts, feelings, and emotions. It is about how we respond to our environment and to our communities. Our work is to offer tools which enable conscious development of attitudes necessary for harmonious living.

Speech and Service

Speech is the gateway through which the objective world takes a peek at us. The words we use and the attitudes we project reflect the inner worlds we frame for ourselves. Service is a matter of loving attitudes we bring in all of our interactions.

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Whether you’re curious about ideas, we’re here to answer any questions.

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